By Lisa Dorn, Founder: PsyDrive
PsyDrive are excited to launch Level 2 of their successful Human Factors and Road Risk Management course accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors
Whether it’s to design a behavioural intervention in your workplace, to improve your driver coaching skills, or to support your clients to understand Human Factors for managing road risk, Level 2 will help you gain the insights needed to understand road user psychology and behaviour. You will acquire practical knowledge and skills to support your role in road safety.
Course Structure and Content
Level 2 is delivered live over 2 full days by Dr Lisa Dorn and includes approximately 15 hours of learning material including a pre-read workbook. Active, value-driven discussions are encouraged and tailored to the specific interests for each course. There are five modules to develop Human Factors competencies in the following topics: -
Module 1: Motivation
What is motivation and how does it influence road user behaviour?
Module 2: Emotion
Evaluates models of emotion and evidence for the impact of emotions on road user behaviour.
Module 3: Stress
Provides a critical review of the effect of stress and how to manage driver stress.
Module 4: Individual Differences
Discusses the impact of individual differences on road user behaviour.
Module 5: Behaviour Change
Develops knowledge and skills in the design of interventions that promote behavioural change.
By completing Level 2, you will learn new models and theories to understand road user psychology and behaviour. You will also acquire Human Factors insights to support your workforce, learners, or clients with the aim of improving road risk. For more information, click here
The first live training course is on 11th and 12th January 2024 and the second course runs on 12th and 13th March 2024. Level 2 is only available for those that have completed Level 1. To book your place on Level 1 or Level 2 complete the form: -
PsyDrive is Specialist provider of professional road safety training, research, assessment, and interventions for improved road safety.